
Regular Sunday Morning Schedule

8:00 AM Coffee
8:30 AM Worship
9:50 AM Faith Formation
11:00 AM Worship

We always encourage you to monitor yourself for symptoms of illness and to worship from home if you are experiencing any. We have masks and hand sanitizer available for use in our building should you require.

For wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them. ~Matthew 18:20

If you have found our services helpful, please consider donating to St Stephen. You can find the many ways to donate by going to our Giving page.

About Us

Pastor Jon and our entire community of faith welcomes you to St Stephen!

We are young and old and middle-aged. We are families with babies, retirees, students and faculty and staff at the College of William and Mary, couples and singles. We are school teachers and health care workers. We are parents raising children; people working at Colonial Williamsburg, in the community or some distance away; and people serving in the military. We are people who have grown up in Williamsburg and people who come from all over the country. We are regulars and tourists and visitors.

We are part of the mission and ministry of the wider church through our denomination, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Do not be put off by the word “evangelical” in our denomination’s name. We are actually the open and affirming American Lutheran denomination. If you have been hurt in a judgmental church, here you will not be judged. We affirm with St. Paul that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, and we welcome all who are seeking God, regardless of gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religious affiliation.