Sunday Services
Upcoming Worship Schedule
9/8/2024 God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday
9:00 AM Coffee
9:45 AM Worship
11:00 AM Service Projects
9/15/2024 Rally Sunday (and onwards):
8:00 AM Coffee
8:30 AM Worship
9:45 AM Faith Formation
11:00 AM Worship
Our worship service is live-streamed on our YouTube channel.
Links to our worship service videos, weekly Bulletins, and sermon texts can be found on our Services page.
Special services are offered at Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week and Pentecost.
Infants and Toddlers sometimes need a break. There is a play area with toys and books on a cart downstairs, below the Sanctuary. Age appropriate canvas bags with toys are also located directly outside the Sanctuary doors in the Gathering Space.
Young Children are welcome in our Prayground space during worship.
Between the Services at 9:45 am.
High School Youth gatherings take place between the services in the youth room downstairs.
Affirmation of Baptism instruction is offered for students in grades seven and eight, between the services, in the Library/Conference room.
Parents and young children may meet between the services in the Preschool space to talk about the Bible theme passage of the day.